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Liability for content:

The content of our pages was drawn up with great care. We can accept, however, no responsibilty for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the content. As a service provider we are responsible in law as per § 7 Abs.1 TMG for our own content in these pages. As per §§ 8 to 10 TMG, we are, as service providers however not required to oversee or, according to the circumstances, to research, sent or saved foreign material which points to unlawful activity. The requirement in law to remove or block the use of information remains unaffected. Liability is however possible only from the point at which a concrete violation was known. As soon as we are aware of such a violation we will remove the offending content immediately.

Liability for links:
Our offering contains links to external third party websites over whose content we exercise no influence. Thus we cannot accept liability for this foreign content. The respective providers or operators of these linked pages are always responsible for the content of the pages. At the time of establishing the link, the linked pages were checked for possible statutory violations, but no unlawful content was recognised. Ongoing control of the content of the linked pages without concrete indications of an infringement of the law is not reasonable. As soon as we are aware of a violation of rights we will remove these links.

Picture credits
Image rights for photographs without credits reside in the main with Empire Riverside GmbH & Co. KG.
Exceptions to this are images drawn from the following sources:
Andrea Flak Fotografie
Klocke Verlag GmbH
Stage Entertainment GmbH
Schmidts TIVOLI GmbH
Hamburgische Staatsoper GmbH
Thalia Theater GmbH
Pulverfass Cabaret / Teatro Lounge
The English Theater of Hamburg
Ohnsorg-Theater GmbH
CinemaxX Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG
Other images are sourced from:
istock, gettyimages

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